CALL US AT 830-995-3244
52150 I H 10 West, Comfort, TX 78013
Sometimes GPS OR GOOGLE doesn't cooperate!
Directions from Boerne
Take I 10 West towards Comfort. Exit Waring. Stay on the access road- about 1.6 miles until you reach the hospital (on your right).
Directions from Kerrville
If you want to take 27, follow the Center Point directions.
take I 10 East towards Comfort. Exit Waring. Take a hard right (hair pin turn as soon as you exit). The access road takes a 90 degree turn under the interstate and takes you on the opposite access road. The hospital will be on your left.
Directions from Center Point
Take 27 through Comfort headed towards I-10. After you go over the Guadalupe River, DO NOT GET ON I 10, turn left immediately before the I 10 ramp. That access road takes a 90 degree turn under the interstate and takes you to the hospital (on your left).
Directions from Fredericksburg
Take 87 to Comfort. Take a left onto I 10 (East towards SA). Take the next exit Waring. Take a hard right (hair pin turn as soon as you exit). The access road takes a 90 degree turn under the interstate and takes you on the opposite access road. The hospital will be on your left.